Airship was recently confirmed as a Top-Level Open Infrastructure Project supported by the OpenStack Foundation


Elevate Your Infrastructure

Airship makes operating open infrastructure
simple, repeatable, and resilient.

About Airship

Airship is a collection of loosely coupled but interoperable open source tools that declaratively automate cloud provisioning. Airship is a robust delivery mechanism for organizations who want to embrace containers as the new unit of infrastructure delivery at scale. Starting from raw bare metal infrastructure, Airship manages the full lifecycle of data center infrastructure to deliver a production-grade Kubernetes cluster with Helm deployed artifacts, including OpenStack-Helm. Airship allows operators to manage their infrastructure deployments and lifecycle through the declarative YAML documents that describe an Airship environment.

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Infrastructure is managed through declarative YAML files and there is one workflow for both deployments and updates. Airship does not require operators to develop their own set of complex orchestration tooling to automate Airship.
Containers and Helm charts are the basic unit of deployment for all software including Airship itself, pushing software orchestration logic to the edge. Expanding the software stack is as simple as adding new charts to Airship declarations.
Platform state including all versions are specified declaratively, and Airship, Helm, and Kubernetes align containers, dependencies, and configuration in the same way every time.
All jobs and services are running as containers, provide health status, and are healed by Kubernetes supervision by taking full advantage of native Kubernetes resiliency.
The Airship components themselves are deployed as Helm charts and run as services within Kubernetes. This allows them to be upgraded like any other software component in the system.

How to Get Involved.

Airship v1.0 Release Now Available

The Airship community announced the availability of its v1.0 release in conjunction with the Open Infrastructure Summit Denver. Airship v1.0 delivers a wide range of enhancements to security, resiliency, continuous integration, and documentation as well as upgrades to the platform, deployment and tooling features. The v1.0 milestone marks production readiness of Airship for the enterprise.

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